Shetland Fleeces 2017

Hi Holly,

Here's a list of the cotted fleeces I've sorted out for you, sorry it's taken me a while to do.  They're all purebred Shetland, weighing around 1.5kg, some a little over, some a little less.  Most of them are very fine wool - would have been lovely to spin had they not cotted!  Eris and Isobel are a little less crimpy, but still very soft.

I'd like £5 each for them, plus carriage.  I've ordered some sacks for sending them, and I think I'll be able to fit 2-3 fleeces per sack, depending on how much I can squidge them in.  Each sack will cost £10 to send to you via Parcelforce.

If you could let me know which fleece you'd like to have (or all of them?), I'll pack them up into as few sacks as possible and let you know what the carriage actually comes to.

Fleece details:

Callanais - Shetland ewe.  True black (very dark).


Eris - Shetland ewe.  Shetland black (dark brown).


Harris - Shetland ram.  Shetland black (very dark brown)


Isobel - Shetland ewe.  Black gulmoget (black with pale grey/white patches). 

Very similar to Daisy's fleece, which you had earlier this year.


Lewis - Shetland ram.  Grey Katmoget (pale grey with some dark patches).

Mr Badger - Shetland ram.  Grey Katmoget (pale grey with some dark patches). 

This one's very fine wool, I'm sorry that it cotted - otherwise I'd have kept it to spin myself.


Mr Shouty - Shetland ram.  Grey Katmoget (pale grey with dark patches). 

Mr Shouty grows the finest fleece in our flock, it's gorgeous, but it almost always felts on his back.


Portree - Shetland ewe.  Shetland black (this one's a medium dark brown).


Vienna - Shetland ewe.  Moorit gulmoget (fawn/caramel colour, with gingery patches).

All the best,

Karen Tesson